Instruction for Authors
📌 Submission Guidelines
The following information is provided to help you with the paper submission:
- The length of submitted 2024 IEEE ICoDSE paper is maximum 6 pages IEEE format.
- The submitted paper should not been published in any journal or conference proceeding nor in submission process in any journal or conferenceÂ
- All papers should meet the 2024 IEEE ICoDSE template and the committee reserves the right not to accept and not to proceed any papers that do not meet this template.
- All review processes are blind reviews.
- To ensure the blind review process, please do not enter the author names in the paper that is going to be reviewed. Keep the author fields as is. The author names are required for camera-ready version.
- Any violation to submission rules and phlagiarism checking could lead to rejection of submitted papers for the next processes.
The detailed submission template can be downloaded here.
Full paper must be submitted through EasyChair (registration needed) using the following link: